So I found a fun little toy on craigslist yesterday, and I sold some stuff to pay for it. An Antique Waffle Iron, made in 1925 that is in great condition and is I think very beautiful! It's quite shnazy how it works. The two sides of the waffle iron fit together perfectly, each with a coiled handle to keep from getting too hot to hold. The the top of the irons (left side in picture) has two semi-spheres that come together to creat a ball that fits into a socket on the base. So to flip the waffle you just rotate the ball in the socket and voila, Flip. What a creative contraption! The base has a metal handle and holds it all together perfectly. It is easily placed on hot coals and removed, and as you can see it works quite dandy on my stove.
This is just a pankcake mix that I had waiting in the fridge sans eggs and water. (Dry homemade mixes are great, just keep em cold and add water and eggs when the craving hits.)
Beautiful color!
As I was cooking I heard a *Clink Clink*, and I looked over and saw Adelle playing with a glass cup. Whats funny is she hasn't quite learned how deliberatly grab at something she likes. But I think as she did this on accident it peaked her interest. Whats that sound?
And VOILA! Yummy waffles! I am excited to make waffles a new family camping tradition. Anyone want to buy my electric waffle iron?