Sunday, July 25, 2010

Strawberries, Guns, Corn and Sister Love.

Here's a mash-up of whats been going on around here. (seen Glee? :o))
Lets start with Sister Love.
As I was driving the long ride home from Anchorage, Lydia kept fussing, she couldn't quite fall asleep. It was kinda weird so finally I turned around to see if something was "bugging" her. I am not sure if Adelle was helping or hurting, but she was holding Lydia's hand. She held her hand the whole rest of the car ride home.

On that note, when I was pregnant with Adelle I had a dream that she popped her little hand out of my belly and we held hands all day long. Regardless of how wacko it seems, in my dream it was so touching, I didn't want to let go of her hand to put it back. But I've noticed that Adelle likes to hold hands. Today in church she was persistent on holding a little boys hand, he didn't get what she was trying to do but she kept grabbing it. Very sweet.

I debated putting this picture of Adelle and Lydia up because it is so horrible, I was rushing to take pictures and my camera settings were off, by the time I fixed them Adelle was done. And when she's done shes DONE. I think she was trying to help Lydia talk to her Daddy, like I do to Adelle. I couldn't have asked for a better big sister for Lydia. It also makes me grateful that I have sisters that I love this much.

Adelle learned how to eat corn on the cob. It was hilarious to watch her try to find the kernals and master this art. Just a cute picture.

This has been a great summer for strawberries, we've had SO many! I have discovered a trick. After I pick them from the garden I wash and dry them and then place them in a mason jar in the window. This way they will continue to rippen without the bugs and birds getting them. Not only does it make them ever so tasty, it's quite attractive I think. (I did have to move to a bigger mason jar eventually)

Last of all my Grandpa Best (Ryans Grandpa but I've adopted him) gave me a gun. It's a 22 huntsman. He has so many guns he's been vowing to give them to his grandchildren, but I am one of the few that got lucky enough to actually get one. Isn't that so awesome!? I am a pretty good shot if I do say so myself. (these are the really cool grandparents that have the farm and are teaching me all about farming and provident living)
Ryans going to be on the slope for 3 weeks so I will be posting pictures for him.
Stay tuned sweetie!

Monday, July 12, 2010

The First Harvest...

Here is our garden, the same as last year but bigger and better. We were smarter on the veggies we planted and how we planted them.

It's amazing how the fruit of our labors are birthed overnight. I came into the garden today and I had two beautiful ripe zuchini's and this juicy strawberry. Yesterday it seemed they were still buds on plants.

I was SO excited to eat this strawberry, and it was GOOOOD! We have two large strawberry patches this year. Enough to eat, freeze and share.

These are two long rows of peas. Peas only, I want to have peas coming out of my ear. Peas peas peas I love peas! Again, enough to eat, freeze and share. Of course they're far from being harvested.

Also far from being harvested is these two wittle apples. There were three but I nipped one to help these two grow. It's amazing to me how many Alaskans are un aware that we can grow apples here. Yes they are a bit smaller (these will grow bigger), but they are tasty. Click HERE to see last years fun with Alaskan Apples!

So a strawberry and a zuchini. Wow I am happy! Ooh ooh, and tonight I am going to learn to milk a goat to help my friend out with her farm while she takes her family camping. Stay tuned for THAT blog!! :o)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Let's Partay...

She's Growing...

Lydia had a hard time gaining weight when she was first born, she had bad baby diahrea. Her little gut has figured things out and she's been putting on weight steadily. I thought I'd post an updated picture of her since I have been really bad at that.
Here's Little Lydi at 7 weeks. She's a happy baby and loves to smile and is starting to coo. I will post smiling pictures later.
If you look really close you'll notice her lips are purple. She has thrush poor thing, so the herbal remedy which is called genetian violet is purple, like ink. So she's fine just looks like a little punk rocker.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Muppet Patriotism...

My Dad sent this to me today. It's a day late, but the Muppets will live forever, and so will America. (But if I had to place bets I'd say the first will out live the second :o))